Black Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with dimensions 1161 X 1091 by upload.wikimedia.org

Background: Dark Mana vs Light by mousels on DeviantArt Cool Dark Background with dimensions 675 X 900 by img12.deviantart.net
beetween two worlds premade background | Flickr Photo Sharing! with dimensions 1800 X 1800 by farm6.staticflickr.com

Transparent, Background Free Images on Pixabay Cool Dark Background with dimensions 511 X 640 by pixabay.com

Dark background free stock by moonchild ljilja on DeviantArt with dimensions 533 X 400 by img08.deviantart.net
Blue Woods Background by AdamDowson on DeviantArt with dimensions 768 X 768 by orig01.deviantart.net
Dark Mountain Premade Background by EveLivesey on DeviantArt with dimensions 745 X 1024 by img02.deviantart.net