Anchors Pattern by notanighttroll on DeviantArt with dimensions 500 X 500 by orig13.deviantart.net
Snow Fox Pattern by ScarletDev on DeviantArt Pattern Background Tumblr with dimensions 800 X 600 by orig15.deviantart.net
Seamless Sakura Petal Pattern by Senshistockart on DeviantArt with dimensions 600 X 600 by orig12.deviantart.net
Merry Gothic Christmas Seamless Background Tile by LadyIntomoe on Pattern Background Tumblr with dimensions 633 X 900 by img03.deviantart.net
Free Little Squares Stock BackgroundsEtc Wallpaper Royal with dimensions 443 X 624 by c3.staticflickr.com

Plaid Tartan Patterns by BerryKissed by BerryKissed on DeviantArt with dimensions 433 X 600 by orig13.deviantart.net
Patterns: Livros / Books by iemai on DeviantArt with dimensions 400 X 650 by fc01.deviantart.net