Psychedelic Rain by RufusShinra4179 on DeviantArt with dimensions 600 X 800 by orig13.deviantart.net
GIMP Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Animated Desktop Backgrounds Gif with dimensions 508 X 644 by upload.wikimedia.org

Sprite (computer graphics) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with dimensions 256 X 384 by upload.wikimedia.org

Ubuntu Soft Animated Wallpaper by Pierre Lagarde on DeviantArt Animated Desktop Backgrounds Gif with dimensions 600 X 600 by orig07.deviantart.net
heart Wallpaper 1280x800 | Flickr Photo Sharing! with dimensions 800 X 1280 by farm3.staticflickr.com

Open Ocean (animated GIF) by RetSamys on DeviantArt with dimensions 450 X 600 by orig00.deviantart.net
niviadragonrider (C.N.C Nikki or Nivia) DeviantArt with dimensions 800 X 800 by orig14.deviantart.net